Education Division
- Program Baca Tulis dan Hitung (Calistung)
It is a program that is useful as basic knowledge that they must have in order to interact with outside society and answer the challenges of the times. This program will also be the initial preparation for children to take part in the advanced program, namely Elementary School Level Matching or Package A. Even though not all children can take part in this program, SEAD Jambi continues to strive for it.
- Program Penyetaraan Pendidikan
Merupakan program baru yang dijalankan oleh SEAD Jambi sebagai bentuk keluaran dari Program Calistung. Program ini masih memiliki banyak kendala, terutama pada pendanaan. Untuk itu SEAD Jambi terus mengupayakan kerjasama dengan pihak-pihak lain yang mampu mendukung berjalannya program ini. Program diawali dengan pemberian materi pra ujian Penyetraan Tingkat Sekolah Dasar atau Paket A menjelang ujian tersebut dilaksanakan. Seharusnya kegiatan ini dilaksanakan saat akhir pekan di Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB) Kota Jambi, lembaga yang menyelenggarakan Program Penyetaraan.
However, due to financial constraints and the distance where they live in the forest which is far from this institution, the activities were finally carried out by SEAD Jambi volunteers over a period of more than 1 year to teach with adapted modules. Next, they are registered based on the provisions and complete the administrative requirements and carry out tryouts to take part in the implementation of Package A according to the schedule determined in the Jambi City SKB.
- Lembar Impian
This program is an eventual program implemented in each assisted village in the form of introducing professions, building aspirations and motivation to continue their education to a higher level through stories and experiences of volunteers which aims to foster the enthusiasm of SAD children to continue learning so they can continue their education. to formal school and finally be able to achieve their dreams.
- Garage Sale
This is a fundraising activity by collecting suitable clothing through SEAD Jambi donors to be resold at CFD activities which are routinely held every Sunday morning around the Jambi Provincial Governor's Office Field. 100% of the proceeds obtained from the sale of wearable clothing are intended as donations for SAD children assisted by SEAD Jambi.
- Jumat Berkah
This is a program that invites the wider community to donate online with SEAD Jambi on this day to help with SEAD Jambi's SAD development activities.
- Merchandise sead
This is a program that provides typical SAD and SEAD Jambi merchandise such as oath bracelets, tote bags, pins and SEAD Jambi key chains. This merchandise is then sold and 100% of the profits obtained from the sales process are intended for SAD development activities assisted by SEAD Jambi.
- Celengan SEAD
This is a program by providing SEAD Jambi piggy banks which are then left in public places and certain agencies that have collaborated with SEAD Jambi to raise funds through these piggy banks.
Health and Environment Division
- PHBS (Clean and Healthy Living Behavior)
This activity aims to raise awareness of SAD children assisted by SEAD Jambi to live a clean and healthy life. Practices taught to achieve this goal include washing hands with soap, brushing teeth, and making trash cans and flower pots from used items.
- Health Checks and Distribution of Medicines and Vitamins
This activity is routinely carried out once a month by the kesling team in Muaramedak Village and Skaladi Village. This activity takes the form of measuring height and weight, checking blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol as well as distributing free medicines and vitamins to SAD residents of Muaramedan Village and Skaladi Village.